Royal Tournament Years - 1997
Dates: 15-27 July 1997
Venue: Earls Court
Lead Service: Army
Resident Band: The Band of the Hussars and Light Dragoons
Programme of Events
1. The Opening - "From the Arrow to the Rocket"
2. Musical Drive by the Kings Troop, Royal Horse Artillery
3. Guns through the Ages
4. Massed Bands of the Household Division with The mounted Band of the Blues & Royals (RHG/D)
5. Musical Ride by the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment
6. The Motor Cycle Display Team of the Royal Artillery
7. Gun Air Mobile Deployment by Night - The Modern Gunner
8. The Maoris from New Zealand
9. The Duel - The Gladiators Challenge The Three Services
10. The Royal Navy Field Gun Competition
11. Mounted Competitions, Special Events & Tug of War
12. The Essex Dog Display Team
13. Royal Air Force Motor Sport Association
14. The Finale - "1812"